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Home Design Tips

Design is a powerful art form that has the power to transform any space but can be overwhelming when moving into a new home. We explored the basic elements of design and the current trends with our talented Interior Merchandiser, Melissa Davison. Her award-winning designs infuse life and creativity into our showcase model homes, allowing you to visualize life within a floorplan. Get inspired for your new construction home & learn some design basics in our interview below!

What are the basic elements of design?

"The basic elements of design are shape, color, space, form, line, value, and texture.  When designing a model home, we take all the elements into consideration and like to think of it as a balancing act.  There needs to be cohesiveness throughout a space and touching on each one of those elements makes the space feel inviting."

Parker Farmhouse at The Views at Bridgewater

What are some current design trends that you’re excited about? 

"Some of the design trends we are seeing and are super excited about are using more patterns and bold colors, whether it be through the use of fun fabrics, bold wallpapers, trim applications on walls, and fun textures in furniture.  Minimal design and colors are being replaced by bold, rich, and moody feels."

Hawthorne Vintage at Somerford at Stoner Farm

How do you approach negative space when designing a room? 

"In interior design, the negative space can have a practical value in directing you through a space, but it also has much more impact than just that.  The areas of a room where there is an absence are as important as areas with objects.  Negative space allows you to showcase the chosen pieces clearly and create a harmonious feel." 

What is the Golden Ratio and how does it apply to interior design? 

"The golden ratio has been found to account for everything from the proportions of the human body to patterns in nature and architecture.  When using the golden ratio in design, things appear more balanced and aesthetically pleasing! In your space, you can think of it in terms of the 60-30-10 rule.  For instance, in space planning, you should aim to cover 60 percent of the floor area in a room with furnishings.  The rest would be negative space and accent.  It also applies to balancing proportions with art, accessories, paint, and even pattern in a space.  When furnishing a room, choose one pattern for 60% of surfaces, choose another pattern for 30% of surfaces, and choose 10% something bold for an accent.  The goal is to create a space that feels proportionately balanced and with the golden ratio in all aspects of your design, your new construction home will feel harmonious."

Devonshire Manor at Ventry at Edgmont Preserve

What are some of the most common mistakes people make when designing their home? 

"I think some of the most common mistakes people make when designing their space are not taking into account the basic elements of design mentioned above and how they play off of one another to create harmony in a space."

Hawthorne Vintage at Somerford at Stoner Farm

How important is creating a focal point and what are examples of great focal points? 

"When designing a room, we always think of a focal point upon entering.  It is one of the most fundamental elements in interior design.  It’s “the star of the room” and what you build the rest of the space around.  It may be a great piece of art, a beautiful area rug, or a fun pattern in a fabric.  It is the thing that sets the tone for the room."

Check out some of her work in our Covington, Devonshire, Hawthorne, and Nottingham model homes!